Professor Wendy Wing-lok CHAN

Clinical Assistant Professor
- MBBS (HK), FRCR, FHKCR, FHKAM (Radiology), Dip Med (CUHK), MSc in Palliative Medicine (Cardiff)
Short Biography
Prof Wendy Chan is currently Clinical Assistant Professor of the Department of Clinical Oncology, The University of Hong Kong. She graduated from The University of Hong Kong in 2006 and joined the Department of Clinical Oncology, LKS Faculty of Medicine HKU since 2019.
Prof Chan obtained her fellowship in Royal College of Radiologist in Clinical Oncology in 2011 and the fellowship of Hong Kong College of Radiologist in 2014. She was awarded HKWC Overseas Specialty Clinical Attachment Training Fund in 2014 for her elective with Dr. Karyn Goodman in GI Radiation Oncology in Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. She also awarded the HA Corporate Scholarship in 2015 which funded her for the elective training with Prof Richard Pötter in the Medical University of Vienna on image-guided brachytherapy in gynaecological cancers. Besides, she obtained the Postgraduate Diploma in Advances in Medicine (CUHK) in 2011 and the Master in Palliative Medicine (Cardiff University, UK) in 2017.
Prof Chan is actively involved in the teaching of medical students and nurses. Her research interest include breast cancer, upper gastrointestinal cancer, thyroid and endocrine malignancy, gynaecological cancer brachytherapy and geriatric oncology. She published in peer-review journals and has presented in various local and international cancer conferences. She is now working on various clinical trials on breast cancer radiotherapy, quality of life studies on cancer survivors and systemic treatment for thyroid cancer.
Research Interests
- Radiation dosimetric studies on breast cancer and upper gastrointestinal caner
- Quality of life studies on cancer survivors
- Systemic treatment on thyroid cancer
- Geriatric assessment studies in elder cancer patients
Selected Publications
First or corresponding author:
- Management of Advanced Gastric Cancer. Chan WL, Lam KO. The Hong Kong Medical Diary. 2018 Sept Vol. 23, No. 9
- Third-line systemic treatment versus best supportive care for advanced/ metastatic gastric cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Chan WL, Yuen KK, Siu SW, Lam KO, Kwong DL. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2017 Aug;116:68-81.
- Effective management of breathlessness in advanced cancer patients with a program-based, multidisciplinary approach: The “SOB Program” in Hong Kong. Chan WL, Ng CW, Lee C, Cheng P, Cheung KW, Siu WK, Yuen KK, Leung TW. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2016 Mar;51(3):623-627.e2.
- Chemotherapy at end-of-life: an integration of oncology and palliative team. Chan WL, Lam KO, Siu SW, Yuen KK. Supportive Care in Cancer, 2016 Mar;24(3):1421-7.
- Management of Breathlessness in Patients with Advanced Cancer: A narrative report. Chan WL. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 2016 Apr;33(3):286-90
- Volumetric modulated arc therapy in differentiated thyroid cancer: a treatment planning comparison with intensity-modulated radiotherapy. Chan WL, Ng SCY, Law MWM, Lee VHF, Wan KY, Leung TW. Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2015 Sept, pp 1-6
- The “do-not-resuscitation” order in palliative surgery: Ethical issues and a review on policy in Hong Kong. Chan WL. Palliative & Supportive Care, 2015 Oct;13(5):1489-93.
- Inoperable Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of Trachea: Complete Remission after Multi-modality Treatment. Chan WL, Siu SWK, Lee VHF, Leung TW. Hong Kong Journal of Radiologists 2014;17:203-7
- Biweekly cetuximab and first-line chemotherapy in Chinese patients with K-ras wild-type colorectal cancer. Chan WL, Lee VHF, Siu SWK, Ho PPY, Liu RKY, Leung TW. South Asian Journal of Cancer, 2014 Jul-Sept; Vol 3, Issue 3:175-178.