Professor Wei DAI

Assistant Professor

  • PhD
Short Biography
Prof. Wei Dai attended China Medical University for her bachelor’s degree and obtained her MSc. in Bioinformatics from the University of Manchester in UK. In 2011, she finished her PhD in Cancer Bioinformatics in the Department of Surgery and Cancer, Faculty of Medicine in Imperial College London in UK. She was awarded British Association of Cancer Research (BACR) Gordon Hamilton-Fairley Young Investigator Award for her PhD study on methylation prognostic biomarkers for epithelial ovarian cancer. She joined the Department of Clinical Oncology as Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Prof Maria Lung’s group in 2013 and became Research Assistant Professor in 2016.
Research Interests
  • Bioinformatics and system biology approaches for understanding pathogenesis and progression in nasopharyngeal carcinoma and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
  • Integration of genomic, epigenomic changes and clinical data to identify the biomarkers for cancer metastasis, relapse and drug resistance.
  • Development of bioinformatics tools for identifying the genomic alterations in liquid biopsies.