Second Hong Kong-Shenzhen International Cancer Congress
06 Dec, 2015
The Second Hong Kong-Shenzhen International Cancer Congress (HKICC), "Conquering Cancer by Multidisciplinary and Holistic Management", was held at the HKU-Shenzhen Hospital on December 6, 2015. The HKICC provided an excellent platform for konwledge exchange among Mainland, Hong Kong and international experts. This year, the congress focused on lung cancer, gastrointestinal cancers and psychosocial medicine. International leaders in their fields, including Professor Christian Rolfo Cervetto from the University Hospital Antwerp, Belgium; Professor Marianne Pavel from the Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin, Genmany; and Professor Susan Blacker from St. Michael's Hospital, Canada, gave lectures on the latest developments in their specialist areas. More than 400 overseas and local participants attended.