- 認識多一點
你可在這裡學習癌症知識,查看紓緩治療及安寧照顧(圓滿 •人生)等資料。另外,「小貼士 •『家』資源」內有豐富資訊,包括:社區資源、癌症飲食、照顧貼士、同路人分享、及癌症病人常遇見的問題等。你也可以利用搜尋🔍功能,尋找你需要的資訊。
- 健康管理
你可在這裡記錄自己每天的健康情況, 並查看自己過去三個月的健康紀錄。
- 放鬆一下
- 病徵週記
- 聯絡我們
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/家支援-2-0/id6443576145?l=zh_hk
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=hk.hku.med.supportplus&hl=zh_hk&gl=US
經歷癌症旅程一點也不容易。讓「家支援」陪伴您,支持您,為您加油打氣! 如你有任何疑問,歡迎以電郵與我們聯絡:supportplus@hku.hk. 香港大學李嘉誠醫學院臨床腫瘤科「家支援+」幹事敬上
A Sincere Invitation to Download the new “SUPPORT+” app “SUPPORT+” is an initiative of the Department of Clinical Oncology, LKS Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong. “SUPPORT+” aims to support advanced cancer patients and their families in the local community – in the form of a mobile app. “+” can literally mean ‘families’, ‘positivity’, and ‘extra’ in Chinese. “SUPPORT+” aims to support cancer patients and their families by
Show your SUPPORT to patients and families by giving us “Like👍” on Facebook or “Love 💖” on IG. More, you can give us your inspirational “Quotes of the Day” and lovely lyrics. Please download the app from the following links: iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/家支援-2-0/id6443576145?l=zh_hk Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=hk.hku.med.supportplus&hl=zh_hk&gl=US You can also scan the QR code:
Life as a cancer patient can be a difficult journey. We are here, to SUPPORT you in a POSITIVE + way.
If you have any questions about “SUPPORT+”, please contact us at supportplus@hku.hk.
Thank you very much.
Best regards,
SUPPORT+ Committee
Department of Clinical Oncology
LKS Faculty of Medicine
The University of Hong Kong
More in: Medical Faculty News
Also in: medium.com/hkumed
- @家支援Support+ | https://www.facebook.com/hkusupportplus/
- @hkusupportplus | https://www.instagram.com/hkusupportplus/
- Support+ official website: https://support-plus.med.hku.hk/index.php
- Support+ mobile app:
- App store: https://apps.apple.com/hk/app/support-2-0/id6443576145?l=en
- Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=hk.hku.med.supportplus