Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: From Etiology to Clinical Practice

We are very happy that our book Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: From Etiology to Clinical Practice, edited by Anne W.M. Lee, Maria Li Lung, and Wai Tong Ng, has been published recently.

This book summarizes our AoE research findings (basic, translational and clinical) on Nasopharyngeal Cancer (NPC) together with extensive review of literature.

This book includes chapters on the history of NPC, NPC genetics and genomics, pathogenesis of EBV infections, and epidemiology. Establishment of patient-derived cell lines and xenografts, translational preclinical studies, identification of useful diagnostic biomarkers, imaging modalities for NPC, staging and different modalities of treatment for NPC (radiotherapy, chemotherapy, surgical, and immunotherapy).

Furthermore, each chapter is accompanied by an commentary by international experts in the field to discuss the current knowledge, the unanswered questions, and the way forward. With the integration of basic and clinical aspects of NPC and EBV studies, we aim to move forward together, better armed, to improve prevention and treatment outcomes for patients with this deadly disease.

Please see the following link for the book.